Georgia court holds medical doctors liable for a patients suicide that was caused by unbearable pain from a botched medical procedure.

The Georgia Court of Appeals in a recent decision upheld a jury’s wrongful death verdict against certain medical doctors and their medical clinic for treatment that began with a botched injection into the knee of a 86 year old patient that resulted in an infection and unbearable pain that led her to jump to her death from her 14th floor apartment. The patient left a note at her apartment “pain in leg… I can’t take it no more…better to die…I’m sorry.” This case is an example of how a medical provider may be held responsible for the damages caused by its medical negligence. It is also an example of a case where the family or friends of a victim of medical malpractice may not recognize the extent of a medical provider’s responsibility for their actions and the importance of having a seasoned attorney review the facts of the case. Please contact Rumsey & Ramsey at (770) 394-9400 to discuss your case with a lawyer.

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